Young Adults and Substance Abuse Elizabeth NJ

Young Adults and Substance Abuse Elizabeth NJ

Statistics show that young adults in Elizabeth NJ are above the national average for participation in drug and alcohol abuse and misuse. Young adults now more than ever are experimenting with different drugs and the rates of drug dependency are rising. If you or someone you are close with is struggling with drugs, addiction rehabilitation programs are available. Call Drug Treatment

Centers Elizabeth today to hear about options and for help finding treatment facilities. (908)368-8266

Around 73,000 youth boys and girls in New Jersey admitted to using illicit drugs of abuse in the past month. The majority of them claimed that their drug of choice was marijuana. Rates of drug dependency and addiction were higher in youth females versus males. For students sometimes the casual partaking in substance use can turn into abuse, due to heavy school work loads, emotions running high, pressure of competition, and other common stresses the being in high school and college can present. Education about substance abuse and preventing drug addiction revolve around teaching coping mechanisms to them and helping learn where they can seek support when they need it. Instead of turning to drugs to deal with emotions there are counselors and if an addiction has already progressed, recovery from addiction is always possible.

Recovery is not an easy accomplishment for anyone and especially for a teen that has to find ways of going through the rest of life avoiding the temptations of drugs and alcohol as others are able to partake without any repercussions. Colleges now offer support groups for students in recovery from addiction and there addiction therapists work with students on maintain sobriety. The group also creates a platform where students struggling with the same battles can relate and support one another.

Substance abuse treatment centers in Elizabeth, empower the youth to reach their full potential without the burden of addiction hindering their future success. Through detox from illicit substances and drug abuse counseling, addicts cleanse their systems and learn to rebuild self-confidence.

Youth who participate in drug and alcohol abuse are more susceptible to these risks:

  • Delayed or abnormal brain development
  • Memory loss
  • Little attention span
  • Liver and kidney problems
  • Failing out of school
  • Lack of social skills
  • Higher rate of suicide
  • Depression
  • Broken relationships
  • Arrests / Jail

Call Drug Addiction Treatment Centers Elizabeth today for information on youth substance programs and options for treatment facilities. (908)368-8266

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